Renewing Christmas Projects 2023

What would it look like if Jesus moved into your neighborhood this Christmas?

The power of Christmas is that Jesus became one of us and moved into the neighborhood to meet our needs. What if that's what Christmas was all about this year? How could you, your family, and your friends move into your neighborhood, workplace, or school and meet people's needs? That's what the Renewing Christmas Projects are all about.

The Joy Shop (GOAL MET!)

Sponsored by: Don’t Mom Alone MC

Contact: Katie Frohnapple -

Goal: 200 Toys

Deadline: 11/30

We’ll be hosting a Joy Shop at Renew on December 2nd where we’ll be offering gently used toys to families that need help getting Christmas gifts for their kids. To make this Shop a success, we're collecting gently used toys from our friends, neighbors, and Renew. Donations accepted to support Renew Communities' Christmas Projects

Please bring your gently used toys to Renew by Thursday, November 30.

Hope for New City Cleveland (GOAL MET!)

Sponsored by: Hope for the Heights MC

Contact: Brittany McNeil -

Goal: $2,500

Deadline: 12/7

Please join us in raising money to purchase gift cards for New City Cleveland. This program offers mentorship opportunities to students and single moms. We will be providing:

  • 10 $200 Gift Cards to Winter Work Students. These students are in the mentorship/work program and will serve as Christmas Bonuses.

  • 1 $500 Gift Card towards New City Cleveland’s “Momma Strong Moms” December Christmas Party. This party is for single moms & their families that participate in the Momma Strong Moms monthly gatherings.

To donate funds, click here and choose “Christmas | New City” from dropdown.

Gift Cards for Single Parents

Sponsored by: Don’t Mom Alone MC

Contact: Katie Frohnapple -

Goal: $7,000

Deadline: 12/10

Contact: Katie Frohnapple -

We're collecting donations to purchase gift cards for single parents, in our church and network, to help them purchase Christmas presents for their families.

Project closed / deadline passed.

Renew Kids Toy Drive for Building Hope in the City (GOAL MET!)

Sponsored by: Renew Kids

Contact: Bethany Daymut -

Goal: 200 toys

Deadline: 12/3

Renew Kids is excited to partner with Building Hope in the City this Christmas by collecting items for their Annual Christmas Store, designed to bless urban families with the gift of hope and dignity this Christmas. Through your generosity, parents nurturing children within BHITC enrichment initiatives will gain the means to acquire brand-new presents at a fraction of their regular price during their special two-day store event. This is an excellent opportunity for families in Renew Kids to shop together to impact these families this Christmas!

Project closed / deadline passed.

Blessing Berea Families

Sponsored by: For The City MC

Contact: Bethany Solyntjes -

Goal: Gifts for all 7 families

Deadline: 12/4

For the City MC focuses on serving the underserved and overlooked throughout our city. We do this by partnering with Berea's Community Outreach program to complete project requests from city residents in need of some help around their homes. Our goal isn’t for these to be one time service projects. We want our neighbors to know they are seen and we care about them.

Please help us bless families in our city with Christmas presents for their kids.

Project closed / deadline passed.

Sharing Christmas Scripture (GOAL MET!)

Sponsored by: Scripture Outreach MC

Contact: Anna Ilg -

Goal: $370

Deadline: 12/17

We are honored to print and laminate 4,000 scripture cards each season to be shared with MC Christmas Projects, Hospital Chapels, Nursing Homes, and Assisted Living Facilities. Please help us offset the costs of materials with this project.

To donate funds, click here and choose “Christmas | Scripture” from dropdown.

Haven Home Stockings and Baby Shower Baskets

Sponsored by: Breaking Bread MC

Contact: Shelly Sunyak -

Goal: $5,000

Deadline: 12/3

Through this project we will be collecting $5000 to pack 100 Christmas stockings for children staying at the Haven Home, the overflow shelter for homeless women and children in Cleveland. The stockings will be distributed throughout the month of December. We will also be preparing approximately 20 baby shower baskets for pregnant mothers staying at Haven Home over the next year. We are collecting funds for both of these projects and will be assembling them during our MC meeting on Thursday December 14. If you and your family would like to help us pack the stockings or baskets, please email Shelly and we will send you more information.

Project closed / deadline passed.

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Sponsored by: Laura’s Home MC

Contact: Sarah Hamilton -

Goal: 100 items

Deadline: 12/10

Please help the Laura's Home MC spread Christmas cheer for two Laura's Home graduates that recently moved into their own homes. Christmas decorations can be purchased from the list below to help these families turn their new homes into a festive place to celebrate their first holiday!

Project closed / deadline passed.